
“After graduating from college, thanks to a fair amount of self-motivation, combined with mentors who believed in my skills, I gradually transitioned from the administrative to the financial sector, and then moved from the production to the managerial sector of electromechanical and aeronautical companies. In the meantime I started to build my family nest. Becoming a parent is a unique experience, which at the same time puts you in front of the power of love and the desire to protect and cherish a new life. I wanted my children to grow up in a healthy environment, surrounded by nature, preferring the lawns to the cities’ cement, fresh air to polluted air, and healthy food to the factory farmed food. We were fortunate to find a little shelter for our family with a small vegetable garden, some olive trees, and poultry…

As I directed efforts toward aspects related to the environment, waste disposal, prevention and safety, a strong desire grew in me to commit and dedicate part of my life to issues that I consider important both for my children’s wellbeing, and for present and future generations.

I was lucky to meet other people who share my vision and, together, we committed to contribute to the development of a society which cares for and protects the environment that hosts it.”

And so we started Ponics.

Dott. Simone Caporale